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27 DKT Questions of Negligent Driving

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# 1. The speed limit on this road is 100 km/h. When can you use the right lane?

A. When there is no other traffic around.
B. Whenever you want to.
C. Only when overtaking or turning right.

Explanation : ND034 - Negligent Driving

# 2. You are travelling in the left lane and wish to turn right at the intersection. You move to the right lane and a driver behind sounds their horn at you. What have you done wrong?

A. Changed lanes unnecessarily.
B. Crossed an unbroken lane line.
C. Driven too slowly.

Explanation : ND031 - Negligent Driving

# 3. On a single laned road (as shown), you must always overtake another vehicle on its right except when -

A. You are travelling at more than 80 km/h.
B. The other vehicle is going slower than you.
C. The other vehicle is turning right.

Explanation : ND007 - Negligent Driving

# 4. If you are not sure you have enough distance to overtake a vehicle ahead, you should -

A. Sound your horn to signal the driver ahead to slow down.
B. Wait for a better opportunity with more distance to overtake.
C. Put the vehicle in a lower gear and speed up.

Explanation : ND011 - Negligent Driving

# 5. How should you overtake a pedal cyclist?

A. Sound your horn to warn the cyclist to get off the road.
B. Drive as close as possible to the cyclist so he or she will move over and let you pass.
C. The same as you would another car, with safety.

Explanation : ND019 - Negligent Driving

# 6. When you have started to overtake the car, you notice that its right indicator is flashing. You should -

A. Immediately brake to a stop.
B. Accelerate quickly to get past.
C. Check your mirror and move back in behind the car.

Explanation : ND044 - Negligent Driving

# 7. If you are convicted a second time for street or drag racing, which one of the following penalties applies?

A. You will not be able to register your vehicle again.
B. You will have to pay for the storage of your vehicle.
C. Your vehicle may be taken away and sold.

Explanation : ND039 - Negligent Driving

# 8. The faster the vehicle in front of you is travelling, the -

A. More distance and time you need to overtake.
B. Less time you need to overtake.
C. Closer you must get before starting to overtake.

Explanation : ND010 - Negligent Driving

# 9. You are approaching the crest (top of a hill) on a narrow road, the safest procedure is to -

A. Keep to the left and slow down.
B. Flash your headlights to warn oncoming traffic.
C. Increase your speed and sound your horn.

Explanation : ND005 - Negligent Driving

# 10. The speed limit on this road is 90 km/h. You have just overtaken a vehicle in the left lane. What should you do next?

A. Move into the left lane.
B. Keep your position in this lane.
C. Accelerate away from the other vehicle and keep driving in this lane.

Explanation : ND033 - Negligent Driving

# 11. If an overtaking vehicle signals that it must move in, in front of you, you should -

A. Prepare to slow down to allow room.
B. Speed up and not let the vehicle back in.
C. Flash your lights at the overtaking vehicle.

Explanation : ND020 - Negligent Driving

# 12. If you are convicted of driving with a blood alcohol level that is over the limit for your licence, you could lose your driver`s licence. You may also -

A. Have a personal speed limit imposed on you.
B. Be sent to prison.
C. Be restricted to driving an automatic vehicle.

Explanation : ND028 - Negligent Driving

# 13. Before beginning to overtake another vehicle, you should -

A. Sound your horn, move out and overtake.
B. Check to see it is safe, change gear if necessary, and signal your intention before moving out.
C. Signal and slow down so you will have more room to overtake.

Explanation : ND014 - Negligent Driving

# 14. When driving near parked vehicles, you should -

A. Sound your horn and flash your headlights to warn drivers not to pull out.
B. Stop, if you see a car with its right-hand indicator on.
C. Check for parked vehicles with turn signals on, or children about to step out.

Explanation : ND002 - Negligent Driving

# 15. You are in the purple vehicle, you may overtake the vehicle in front -

A. Not at anytime.
B. On either side.
C. Only on its right-hand side.

Explanation : ND013 - Negligent Driving

# 16. If the police suspect you may have been involved in street or drag racing, they may take immediate action. Which one of the following is correct? The police may -

A. Take your vehicle away and sell it at an auction.
B. Take your vehicle to the local police station and keep it till the following morning.
C. Take your vehicle from you and keep it stored for up to three months.

Explanation : ND038 - Negligent Driving

# 17. Another vehicle is overtaking you on your right. You commit a traffic offence if you -

A. Keep the same speed.
B. Speed up while the other vehicle is on your right.
C. Slow down while the other vehicle is on your right.

Explanation : ND035 - Negligent Driving

# 18. A driver behind you signals their intention to overtake your car. What should you do?

A. Signal the driver to remain behind you if it is travelling too fast.
B. Speed up so that the driver will not have to overtake.
C. Keep to the left and let that driver overtake you.

Explanation : ND009 - Negligent Driving

# 19. You are approaching a hill or curve. You must not cross the centre line if you cannot see clear road ahead for -

A. 150 metres.
B. 100 metres.
C. 75 metres.

Explanation : ND004 - Negligent Driving

# 20. The first thing you should do before overtaking is -

A. Sound your horn.
B. Make sure it is safe and the way is clear of oncoming traffic.
C. Increase your speed.

Explanation : ND021 - Negligent Driving

# 21. You are driving behind a long vehicle (as shown) which has a sign saying DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE. The long vehicle indicates that it is going to turn left. You -

A. Must let the long vehicle turn first.
B. May pass the truck because it cannot turn left from the middle lane.
C. May move to the left-hand side of the road and pass the long vehicle.

Explanation : ND015 - Negligent Driving

# 22. If you have been convicted for street or drag racing, which of these penalties may apply?

A. You will be given a letter of warning and fined.
B. You will be fined a small amount and get one demerit point.
C. You will get three demerit points and a large fine.

Explanation : ND040 - Negligent Driving

# 23. If you are convicted of dangerous driving -

A. You could only be fined and given demerit points.
B. You could be given demerit points only.
C. You could lose your licence and may be sent to prison.

Explanation : ND030 - Negligent Driving

# 24. When overtaking another vehicle you should NOT move back in front of it, unless -

A. The driver of the vehicle signals it is safe to do so.
B. You can see the overtaken vehicle in your rear vision mirror.
C. An oncoming car appears over a hill.

Explanation : ND008 - Negligent Driving

# 25. When being overtaken by another vehicle what should you do to help?

A. Move to the left and stop.
B. Brake quickly to let the other vehicle overtake.
C. Keep left and allow plenty of room to let the other vehicle back in.

Explanation : ND012 - Negligent Driving

# 26. What is this driver doing that is negligent and illegal?

A. Crossing an unbroken line at a curve.
B. Overtaking on the kerb side.
C. Not signalling to change lanes.

Explanation : ND032 - Negligent Driving

# 27. Under the points system, you may lose your licence (not provisional) if you reach a total of -

A. 4 points in one year.
B. 12 points in three years.
C. 10 points in two years.

Explanation : ND018 - Negligent Driving



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